
Write ups and Walkthroughs about vulnerable machines

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As always , will start with nmap scan.

nmap scan

We can see that there are 2 open ports i.e SSH and HTTP.

Let’s start with enumerating directories of website.

Gobuster 1

sitemap is one of the interesting directory , let’s look further into it.

Gobuster sitemap

Sitemap has directory called .ssh. This is going to be interesting.

Getting id_rsa

Checking .ssh directory gives up id_rsa i.e. private key. Now let’s check it further.

ssh directory

Downloding this key using wget.


Solving id_rsa

Now quick googling refreshes memory of using ssh2john. Getting hash from id_rsa.


id_rsa has no password. I think this is some kind of error. Checking it further online found that it is not error but now I am stuck here with no username to login

Note : Checked walkthrough here. This reveals that I didn’t go through website’s code for hint.

Getting username from comment in website.


so jessie is username here. Logged in into SSH using id_rsa.

ssh login

User flag

Lates check user flag first. Tried searching many combinations of user.txt , user* but didn’t get any result.

find / -type f -name *.txt 2>/dev/null

This gives us flag location.

user flag

Root flag

Now let’s search for root flag.

Sudo -l gives us that we have permission to run all commands as all commands can be run as sudo but we don’t have password. So let’s check privesc via wget which doesn’t require password.

sudo permissions

Checking gtfobins wget gives us how to read files.

Note : Already know that root file is stored in /root/root_flag.txt from walkthrough.


Got root flag here!

root flag

Thing learnt :

  1. Always check all sources and increase attack surface to get clues
  2. Google when you think it’s error rather than genuine output
