
Write ups and Walkthroughs about vulnerable machines

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Let’s enumerate machine using nmap.

nmap scan

There are 4 open services. SSH on 22 , DNS on 53 , tomcat server on 8080 and ajp13 on 8009.

Let’s investigate http proxy port 8080. Enumerating directories using gobuster.


Nothing interesting hosted on site as it is default page.


CVE-2020-1938 Tag on tryahckme machine denotes this CVE so let’s try to exploit this one. Using metasploit , we first select this exploit and fill all options.


Successfully exploited and got password for skyf*ck user.

exploit results

Let’s login into machine using SSH credentials found here. Logging into machine , there are 2 files in home directory tryhackme.asc and credential.pgp . This is pgp encrypted files.

User flag

Further checking users in /home directory , I got user flag stored in merlin’s home directory.

tomghost user flag

Decrypting PGP files

I searched online on how to work with pgp encrypted files and found some helpful resources which I refered , not a walkthrough. https://www.howtogeek.com/427982/how-to-encrypt-and-decrypt-files-with-gpg-on-linux/ https://linuxhint.com/encrypt-decrypt-with-pgp/ https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/184947/how-to-import-secret-gpg-key-copied-from-one-machine-to-another https://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/10/recover-your-gpg-passphrase-using-john.html

I first extracted hash from tryhackme.asc using gpg2john tool and saved it in hash.txt .


Then I started decrypting hash using JTR tool.


Once I got passphrase , I imported private key and decrypted credential.pgp file

Decryption of pgp

Found credentials for merlin : asuyusdoiuqoilkda312j31k2j123j1g23g12k3g12kj3gk12jg3k12j3kj123j

Root flag

Logging to machine as merlin , user flag was there as found earlier. Checking sudo permissions for merlin , zip was allowed to run with no password. Checking gtfobins , I found file read exploit.


Copying and zipping root.txt into file.txt . I should have unzipped to read flag but works anyway .

tomghost root flag

Got root flag.

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