
Basic commands

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CMD vs Powershell

Command prompt or cmd is a default application of windows that are used to interact with any windows objects in the windows os. PowerShell is a more advanced version of cmd. It is not only an interface but also a scripting language that is used to carry out administrative tasks more easily.


Basic commands

cd : change directory cd /Documents

dir : list file and directories in folder dir

rename : rename file rename c: old.txt new.txt

help : show help for command help commandname /?

Stop-Process : stop process Stop-Process -Name “ProcessName”

shutdown : shutdown system shutdown /s , shutdown /r

ipconfig : show ip configurations ipconfig

cls : clear terminal cls

cmd : start cmd cmd

powershell : start powershell powershell

date : show date date


Basic commands

Set-Location : change directory -> cd Set-Location /Documents

Get-Childitem : list fire and directories in folder -> dir , ls Get-Childitem /Documents

rename : rename file -> rename Rename-Item “c:file.txt” -NewName “new.txt”

Get-Help : show help for command -> man , help Get-Help “Cmdlet name”

Stop-Process : stop process Stop-Process -Name “ProcessName”

Stop-Computer : shutdown system Stop-Computer

Restart-Computer : Restart computer Restart-Computer

Test-Connection : show ip configuration -> ipconfig Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname)

cmd : start cmd cmd

powershell : start powershell powershell

date : show date date
