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Why use tmux?

Both the tmux and GNU screen commands are terminal multiplexers. They allow you to have multiple windows within a single terminal window, and to jump back and forth between them. A window can be divided into panes, each of which gives you an independent command line.

Commands for tmux

|command|work| |:–:|:-| |> tmux |Start tmux session| |Ctrl + b | Hotkey| |Ctrl + b , %| Create new pane on side| |Ctrl + b , “| Create new pane below| |Ctrl + b , /|Change pane| |Ctrl + b , c| Create new session| |Ctrl + b , ,| Rename session window| |Ctrl + b , s| List active sessions| |Ctrl + b , <Number>|Change session with session name| |> tmux ls|list active sessions|


