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What is SMBMAP?

SMBMAP is SMB enumeration tool.


SMBMap - Samba Share Enumerator | Shawn Evans -

- optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Shard drive Search: Options for searching/enumerating the share of the specified host(s)

-L List all drives on the specified host -R [PATH] Recursively list dirs, and files (no share\path lists ALL shares), ex. ‘C$\Finance’ -r [PATH] List contents of directory, default is to list root of all shares, ex. -r ‘C$\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Documents’ -A PATTERN Define a file name pattern (regex) that auto downloads a file on a match (requires -R or -r), not case sensitive, ex ‘(web|global).(asax|config)’ -g Make the output grep friendly, used with -r or -R (otherwise it outputs nothing) –dir-only List only directories, ommit files. –no-write-check Skip check to see if drive grants WRITE access. -q Quiet verbose output. Only shows shares you have READ or WRITE on, and suppresses file listing when performing a search (-A). –depth DEPTH Traverse a directory tree to a specific depth. Default is 5. –exclude SHARE [SHARE …] Exclude share(s) from searching and listing, ex. –exclude ADMIN$ C$’

- File Content Search:
  Options for searching the content of files (must run as root)
  -F PATTERN            File content search, -F '[Pp]assword' (requires admin access to execute commands, and PowerShell on victim host)
  --search-path PATH    Specify drive/path to search (used with -F, default C:\Users), ex 'D:\HR\'
  --search-timeout TIMEOUT
                        Specifcy a timeout (in seconds) before the file search job gets killed. Default is 300 seconds.

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