The Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. It is owned by Boston, Massachusetts-based security company Rapid7.
Its best-known sub-project is the open-source Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. Other important sub-projects include the Opcode Database, shellcode archive and related research.
The Metasploit Project includes anti-forensic and evasion tools, some of which are built into the Metasploit Framework. Metasploit is pre-installed in the Kali Linux operating system. - Wikipedia
The Metasploit Framework (MSF) is far more than just a collection of exploits–it is also a solid foundation that you can build upon and easily customize to meet your needs.
In the Metasploit Framework, exploit modules are defined as modules that use payloads. Auxiliary modules include port scanners, fuzzers, sniffers, and more. Payloads consist of code that runs remotely, while encoders ensure that payloads make it to their destination intact. Nops keep the payload sizes consistent across exploit attempts. If you need to load additional modules from with msfconsole, use the loadpath command.
In the Metasploit Framework, all modules are Ruby classes.
Payloads are slightly different.
msfconsole is console version to use metasploit. Here are basic commands :
back Move back from the current context
banner Display an awesome metasploit banner
cd Change the current working directory
color Toggle color
connect Communicate with a host
edit Edit the current module with $VISUAL or $EDITOR
exit Exit the console
get Gets the value of a context-specific variable
getg Gets the value of a global variable
go_pro Launch Metasploit web GUI
grep Grep the output of another command
help Help menu
info Displays information about one or more module
irb Drop into irb scripting mode
jobs Displays and manages jobs
kill Kill a job
load Load a framework plugin
loadpath Searches for and loads modules from a path
makerc Save commands entered since start to a file
popm Pops the latest module off the stack and makes it active
previous Sets the previously loaded module as the current module
pushm Pushes the active or list of modules onto the module stack
quit Exit the console
reload_all Reloads all modules from all defined module paths
rename_job Rename a job
resource Run the commands stored in a file
route Route traffic through a session
save Saves the active datastores
search Searches module names and descriptions
sessions Dump session listings and display information about sessions
check Check if target is vulnerable to exploit
set Sets a context-specific variable to a value
setg Sets a global variable to a value
show Displays modules of a given type, or all modules
sleep Do nothing for the specified number of seconds
spool Write console output into a file as well the screen
threads View and manipulate background threads
unload Unload a framework plugin
unset Unsets one or more context-specific variables
unsetg Unsets one or more global variables
use Selects a module by name
version Show the framework and console library version numbers
A payload in Metasploit refers to an exploit module. There are three different types of payload modules in the Metasploit Framework: Singles, Stagers, and Stages.
When conducting a penetration test, it is frequently a challenge to keep track of everything you have done on (or to) the target network. This is where having a database configured can be a great timesaver. Metasploit has built-in support for the PostgreSQL database system.
Database Backend Commands :
db_connect Connect to an existing database
db_disconnect Disconnect from the current database instance
db_export Export a file containing the contents of the database
db_import Import a scan result file (filetype will be auto-detected)
db_nmap Executes nmap and records the output automatically
db_rebuild_cache Rebuilds the database-stored module cache
db_status Show the current database status
hosts List all hosts in the database
loot List all loot in the database
notes List all notes in the database
services List all services in the database
vulns List all vulnerabilities in the database
workspace Switch between database workspaces
Setup Metasploit database :
Issuing the workspace
command from the msfconsole, will display the currently selected workspaces. The ‘default‘ workspace is selected when connecting to the database, which is represented by the * beside its name.
Adding workspace : workspace -a lab4
Removing workspace : workspace -d lab4
Meterpreter, the short form of Meta-Interpreter is an advanced, multi-faceted payload that operates via dll injection. The Meterpreter resides completely in the memory of the remote host and leaves no traces on the hard drive, making it very difficult to detect with conventional forensic techniques. Scripts and plugins can be loaded and unloaded dynamically as required and Meterpreter development is very strong and constantly evolving.
background Send the current Meterpreter session to the background and return ‘msf’
clearev Clear the Application, System, and Security logs on a Windows system
download Downloads a file from the remote machine.
pwd print working directory
cd change directory
cat display content of file
execute execute command on target
getuid display the user that the Meterpreter server is running as on the host
hashdump post module will dump the contents of the SAM database.
ipconfig displays the network interfaces and addresses on the remote machine
lpwd display local working directory
lcd change the local working directory
ls list files in current working directory
ps show running processes on the target
search locating specific files on the target host
shell standard shell on the target
upload uploads file on remote machine
webcam_list display currently available web cams on the target host
webcam_snap grabs a picture from a connected web cam on the target system
db_nmap command to run nmap against our targets and our scan results would than be stored automatically in our database.
Metasploit has many more port scanners located in auxiliary/scanner/.
There are many more applications of metasploit , check official website , Youtube playlist for more.