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What is BurpSuite?
Burp Suite is one of the most popular penetration testing and vulnerability finder tools, and is often used for checking web application security. Proxy , reapeater , Intruder are one of many feature in BurpSuite.
- Add IP’s in scope for itercept
- site map will build up overtime showing all URLs
- Turn on Intercept Proxy to capture , drop or modify packet details
- Also track Http history
- Use FoxyProxy for switching proxy fast
- Allow user to change and brute force parameters
- Different from repeater as repeater don’t have automated bruteforce capacity
- Repeat the packet query with changed details
- Basically repeat to request multiple time
- Decode URL , HTML , HEX and Binary
- Compare two different responses
- Target - This tool contains detailed information about your target applications, and lets you drive the process of testing for vulnerabilities.
- Proxy - This is an intercepting web proxy that operates as a man-in-the-middle between the end browser and the target web application. It lets you intercept, inspect and modify the raw traffic passing in both directions.
- Scanner Professional - This is an advanced web vulnerability scanner, which can automatically crawl content and audit for numerous types of vulnerabilities.
- Intruder - This is a powerful tool for carrying out automated customized attacks against web applications. It is highly configurable and can be used to perform a wide range of tasks to make your testing faster and more effective.
- Repeater - This is a tool for manually manipulating and reissuing individual HTTP requests, and analyzing the application’s responses.
- Sequencer - This is a sophisticated tool for analyzing the quality of randomness in an application’s session tokens or other important data items that are intended to be unpredictable.
- Decoder - This is a useful tool for performing manual or intelligent decoding and encoding of application data.
- Comparer - This is a handy utility for performing a visual “diff” between any two items of data, such as pairs of similar HTTP messages.
- Extender - This lets you load Burp extensions, to extend Burp’s functionality using your own or third-party code.
- Clickbandit - This is a tool for generating Clickjacking attacks.
- Collaborator client Professional - This is a tool for making use of Burp Collaborator during manual testing.
- Mobile Assistant - This is a tool to facilitate testing of mobile apps with Burp Suite.
- Logger - This is a tool for recording and analyzing HTTP traffic that Burp Suite generates.
- DOM Invader - This is a tool for finding DOM XSS vulnerabilities.