
Principles of Security

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CIA Triad


Principles of Privileges

Privileged Identity Management : create a system role that is based on a users role/responsibilities with an organisation

Privileged Access Management : Manage the privileges a system access role had

Security models


Threat Modelling & Incident Response

### STRIDE |Principle|Description| |:-:|:-| |Spoofing|This principle requires you to authenticate requests and users accessing a system. Spoofing involves a malicious party falsely identifying itself as another.Access keys (such as API keys) or signatures via encryption helps remediate this threat.| |Tampering |By providing anti-tampering measures to a system or application, you help provide integrity to the data. Data that is accessed must be kept integral and accurate.| |Repudiation|This principle dictates the use of services such as logging of activity for a system or application to track.| |Information Disclosure|Applications or services that handle information of multiple users need to be appropriately configured to only show information relevant to the owner is shown.| |Denial of Service|Applications and services use up system resources, these two things should have measures in place so that abuse of the application/service won’t result in bringing the whole system down.| |Elevation of Privilege|This is the worst-case scenario for an application or service. It means that a user was able to escalate their authorization to that of a higher level i.e. an administrator. This scenario often leads to further exploitation or information disclosure.|

Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)

Action Description
Preparation Do we have the resources and plans in place to deal with the security incident?
Identification Has the threat and the threat actor been correctly identified in order for us to respond to?
Containment Can the threat/security incident be contained to prevent other systems or users from being impacted?
Eradication Remove the active threat.
Recovery Perform a full review of the impacted systems to return to business as usual operations.
Lessons Learned What can be learnt from the incident? I.e. if it was due to a phishing email, employees should be trained better to detect phishing emails.
